Consulted with and retained an attorney to help set up a HOA
Checked on insurance and purchased a policy for directors and officers
Set up a bank account and got a HOA credit card for purchases
Set up a savings account
Had a website developed and located all CC&R’s for the different phases and a private directory of homeowners. Also added a new reservation system for the pavilion.
Set up a quick books account to pay bills and set up accounts. Plan to send invoices out online this year with payment online as well
Contacted each vendor and utility to provide new HOA information
Performed paperwork to get current with state
Prepared multiple letters to neighborhood giving updates. This included printing, folding, stamping and mailing
Prepared and sent survey to members asking for input on concerns and identifying priorities. Opportunity given to sign up for teams to help support the board
Began process of notifying residents that were not current on their dues. This started in January and finally finished collection of dues in April. As of July 2019, there were $30,000 in dues still outstanding so this was a priority for the Board. This required a lot of follow up and even handling of certified mailings.
Prepared and sent survey to members asking for input on concerns and identifying priorities. Opportunity given to sign up for teams to help support the board
Assimilated data from all surveys
Teams were set up and board met with each team to identify responsibilities and goals. Email accounts were set up for communication between teams and board.
Went through multiple years of invoices to determine how money had been spent in the past
Determined a semi-budget and started cutting expenses, getting quotes for services, setting priorities etc.
Began work getting pool repaired. This included new plaster on back pool along with new filters for all pools.
Ice machine repaired
Handled several episodes of misbehavior at pavilion
Many meetings with teams on neighborhood affairs such as landscaping, pool, events, new homeowners, community updates
Perform paperwork needed by title companies for home sales and purchases
Went through Facebook account and removed nonhomeowners and obtained administrative rights.
Improvement team started Yard of the month program
Landscape improvement made at pool and entrance on a regular basis. Irrigation and lighting problems are being addressed.
Pavilion and pool surveillance hard drive updated
Broken and bent fence panels replaced at pool
Extensive preparation for opening pool during Covid including consultations with attorney, insurance company and other HOA’s. New signage purchased, hiring and scheduling gatekeepers along with assuring proper cleaning and maintenance occurred.
Contact with county commissioner concerning 4th of July celebration, county roads, road signs replaced. Contact with commissioner regarding future of Stousland and IG&N
Spring cleanup with double dumpsters
Identification and enforcement of CC&R’s through team communication and board follow up if needed
Research on chickens in subdivision. Contacted state representative and determined HOA has authority to determine if chickens allowed
Video update on pool during Covid and communication on Facebook and on website from Board to homeowners regarding updates