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IGN/Straub Road Straightening Project

The follow information regarding the county’s project to straighten IGN/Strab is provided by Dennis Hethcoat – Saddle Creek HOA Outreach Team Member:

Due to the population of Brazos County, there has been no real Planning & Budget Director.  The County Judge primarily controls those duties.The County has now reached a population that requires a Planning & Budget Director.  The position has been approved, but there is no posting for the job yet.  If it is not filled by March, the duties will go the the County Auditors office.  How could this affect Saddle Creek?  The project to straighten IGN/Straub is still in the budget for fiscal year 2022, which began in October.  County Judge Peters has reappropriated the funds for this project to other projects in the County at least twice before so there is still no guarantee the project will move forward.  We have no idea what will happen to the project with a new Planning & Budget Director or if responsibility moves to the County Auditor.According to previous discussions with the County Engineer, the project design is ready to go.  Just my opinion, but I think our best chance to get the project done is to push Judge Peters to get it done asap.