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Saddle Creek Annual Meeting – December 14, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Dear Homeowners:

Please see the attached below;

Annual Meeting letter
Annual Meeting Agenda/Notice
Annual Meeting Board of Directors Absentee Ballot
Annual Meeting Proxy


You have FOUR (4) different ways to vote in this upcoming election. Each LOT is entitled to ONE vote.

1. Vote using the Election Buddy absentee electronic ballot that was emailed/texted to you today.

2. Vote using the paper absentee ballot attached by mailing, emailing or delivering it to Beal Properties.

3. Vote using the proxy attached by sending a signed proxy to the meeting with the person selected as your proxy, or mailing, emailing or delivering it to Beal Properties if you are selecting a Director or Beal Properties to act as your proxy.

4. Vote in person at the annual meeting.

Election results will not be known, or announced, until the meeting, after in-person voting has been completed.

If you vote via Election Buddy, or absentee paper ballot, and later choose to attend the meeting, any vote cast in person will prevail and any other ballot will be thrown away. You may also chose to attend and let you absentee ballot stand.

There seems to be some confusion over the election process and possible ramifications of voting absentee. The absentee paper ballot, and the Election Buddy ballot are both absentee ballots, just like any other absentee ballot you may cast in any election. All that means is that if you vote absentee and the candidate list changes at the meeting (either by a removal/drop of a candidate, the petition by owners to add an candidate, or a write in candidacy), you will forfeit the ability to vote on any added candidates, and you forfeit the right to amend your vote should a candidate be dropped. The votes cast for the remaining candidates that you voted for would stand.

If you do not attend in person, you also forfeit the right to vote on any possible motions from the floor of the election, as this is a meeting of the members.

There are currently no other items on the agenda that require a vote of the membership, other than the Board of Directors election.

These same documents are being mailed to every homeowner today. If you still have questions, or concerns, please feel free to contact us.